Tuesday, February 15, 2011


I was given the opportunity to address the High School Students of Betty's Vermillion Academy during their High School Night (Prom) held last February 11, 2011.

And this was my speech:

Tonight's affair figures greatly in pop culture and is dubbed as a major event in one's high school life.  But more than beautiful dresses and black ties, this event reflects how you, the youth of today, answers to the call of having a better society.  How?  By propriety and appropriate social behavior.  Why, you may ask do we need to have such a grand event as this?  To inculcate politeness, etiquette and dignity.  Just like the royalties of the past, of whom Aristotle outlined as "characters speaking in a manner befitting a king" ... dignified and elegant.

As you journey through stages towards adulthood, you will soon realize that High School Night is an important part of your lives.

I for one, just had a grand reunion with my high school classmates and friends last year.  And every memory was worth remembering.

The laughter shared, the tears that flowed, the books we've read, the teasing and the jokes.  We are so ever greatful to our teachers who mentored us even though we've tortured them.

All these remained in our hearts, and this night will not be different.  Years from now, you'll have your own reunion and looking back, I guarantee that you will feel thankful for having your High School Night.

We may have been the past, and you are the future, but for now... let us enjoy the present...here, tonight.

Keep every picture.  Preserve every video.  Remember every moment.

Good evening and enjoy the night.

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