Wednesday, January 26, 2011


We often wonder how a human being is able to do horrible things to another human being or even to an animal for that matter.  We flinch at the thought of the infliction of pain.  The sight of blood terrifies us.  And yet, there are people who feel elated when they wound or bruise another person.  And worse, there are those who thrill themselves in taking a life.

These past few days, have been gruesome.  Two prominent car dealers were murdered in an unmerited manner.   And just the other day, a bus in EDSA was bombed killing people aboard. Such violent acts are beyond our understanding.  What goes through the mind of these cruel individuals?  How can they have the guts to do these horrendous things?  Clearly, acts of violence.

As humans, we are basically peace-loving.  We condemn any acts of aggression towards one another.  However, there are circumstances that lead to the formation of such sadistic acts.  

Like any and all things, violence seems to be rooted from our childhood experiences.  When a child of barely two slaps her mother and everyone laughs and claps in amusement, it is mistaken as a good thing.  When a teacher ignores a pupil who shoves a classmate to get in front of the line and worse put a star on his hand, it gives a feeling of fulfillment.  What is the point here?  In the early stages of life, we harbor on all the feelings, thoughts, and experiences that comes as we progress into adulthood.  And this is where the problem lies.  Without appropriate guidance, children grow up thinking hurting another person to achieve their goals is good and acceptable.  

Violence may be a result of misguided concepts instilled in the very core of a person’s being, particularly at a young age.  And because we fail to recognize the signs…mankind mourns and suffers.

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