Wednesday, June 12, 2013


Negativity has always been viewed as a bad thing.  But come to think of it, that is how the perspective of truth is uncovered.

Often we have been told to "think positive"...that "help will come"..."don't loose hope."  But it's not always the case, because if it is then pain and suffering will not exist.

Maybe it is time to unveil "the truth" ...that life is not made of rainbows...or as soft & sweet like cotton candy...or that silver lining truly exists.

Fate is not kind and destiny sucks....there is no such thing as success, it is recognized because the other thing fails.

Difficult times are just as they are ---difficult.

Unfortunate events will still happen whether you read this or not - no difference really.

When something good happens, it is perceived as a miracle.  But when something bad happens, we convince ourselves that everything happens for a reason.

An epiphany of sorts - maybe it is time to acknowledge & accept the "negative things" in life.

It's about time.

Every positive value has its price in negative terms...the genius of Einstein leads to Hiroshima. - Pablo Picasso